“my love a revelation” by Ryan Evans

i wish to say that my love would be a revelation gentle plane tracing the curves sanding fine dust clay under nails hands pushing to mold hourglass string plucked peg turned string plucked peg turned until the entirety is tuned melting garlic in oil aromatic scrape pan against burner shuffle head cradled body enters water baptized wet hair sticking to forehead gulping air swept in … Continue reading “my love a revelation” by Ryan Evans

“I’m made of ceramic or white porcelain” by Ryan Evans

I’m made of ceramic or white porcelain and my arms are string ragdoll physics dragged off the table and smashed into pieces swept up into a dustpan carried carefully across the kitchen around the other pile of dust cereal and thin strips of onion skin dumped into the garbage can the smell makes what used to be me gag but I can’t gag anymore it … Continue reading “I’m made of ceramic or white porcelain” by Ryan Evans